At Presentation, weekly CCD is offered for children ages 3 through 12th grade. We offer two sessions of CCD on Sundays.
Children ages 3 years old (by September 1) AND completely potty trained through 6th grade are placed in an atrium of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. Children 7th grade and up are taught in a tradiational didactical classroom setting.
For children needing to receive first reconciliation, first Holy Communion, or confirmation, sacramental preparation takes place separately from CCD, through five special reflections given throughout the school year. Families who have children receving sacraments are highly encouraged to sign their children up for CCD.
In the Ordinariate, it is customary to begin preparation for First Holy Communion in first grade through Level Two Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.
Under the direction and leadership of Bishop Lopes, Presentation has restored the ancient order for the sacraments of initiation, being baptism, first holy communion, and confirmation. In his pastoral letter, Come, Holy Ghost, theBishop emphasizes the essential unity of the sacraments, the role of parents as the primary educators of their children, and the readiness of the child to receive the free gift of sacramental grace. In this, the child, parents, and pastor discern together with the concrete marker's the Church has provided the child's readiness to receive a sacrament. For confirmation, these markers are: having reached the age of reason (age seven), be instructed in a manner suitable to his age and station, be properly disposed to receive the sacrament, and be able to renew the promised made for him in holy baptism.
Children who have not received these sacraments but have passed the minimum age may begin preparation during the upcoming school year with their age group via weekly CCD and should participate in several additional reflections, to be held December through April. These reflections are directed toward the catechesis on the sacraments of initiation, and a parent is required to attend with their child. Sacrament preparation registration will open in September 2024. Reflections will begin in December 2024.
High School Youth Group
Presentation also offers a youth group for high schoolers, which meets on Sunday afternoons once per month. You may find out more information about the high school youth group by subscribing to the Youth Group Flocknote group.