Under the direction and leadership of Bishop Lopes, the Ordinariate and therefore Presentation of the Lord Catholic Church has restored the ancient order for the sacraments of initiation, being Baptism, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation. In his pastoral letter, Come, Holy Ghost, the Bishop emphasizes the essential unity of the sacraments, the role of parents as the primary educators of their children, and the readiness of the child to receive the free gift of sacramental grace. In this, the child, parents, and pastor discern together with the concrete marker's the Church has provided the child's readiness to receive a sacrament. For Confirmation, these markers are: having reached the age of reason (age seven), be instructed in a manner suitable to his age and station, be properly disposed to receive the sacrament, and be able to renew the promised made for him in Baptism.
Children who have not received these sacraments but have passed the minimum age may begin preparation during the school year with their age group and are required to participate in several additional reflections, to be held throughout the duration of the school year.
Please read the following carefully.
Children in 6th grade and younger will meet on December 7, January 4, February 1, March 1, and, April 5, from 9:00-10:30 am.
Children who are in 7th grade and older will meet on December 4, January 4, February 5, March 1, and April 2. Wednesday evening reflections are from 7:30-9:00 pm, and Saturday morning reflections are from 10:00-11:30 am. One parent is required to attend with their child.
Birth and baptism certificate copies are required, and must be turned in via your Flocknote registration.
A letter of good standing for the sponsor is required if the sponsor is not a parishioner of Presentation, and may be emailed to [email protected], or mailed to the church.
You do not need to fill out the following information at the time of registration, but please discuss and prompt your children to discern their saint and their sponsor:
A confirmation sponsor is a person who stands with the confirmand as an example of the faith, and is a witness to the confirmand's readiness to receive the sacrament. The sponsor must have completed his 16th year and have received all the sacraments of initiation, and be a practicing member of the Catholic church.
A confirmation saint is the heavenly sponsor for the confirmand, whom God has arranged to be an advocate to the confirmand, and an intercessor for the confirmand and under whose patronage the confirmand lives the Christian life.
Please email [email protected] for questions about our program or the registration process.
All paperwork is due by March 1, 2025.